Young people doubt the „democracy“ model | Junge Menschen zweifeln am Modell „Demokratie“


Only three quarters of people under 30 still think democracy is the best form of government. This is the result of the latest survey for the Democracy Radar, conducted by the Universities of Graz and Krems. Around 4,500 people aged 14 and over in Austria were surveyed.

This dissatisfaction with democracy is expressed, among other things, in the majority desire to fundamentally restructure the political system: 63 percent of those surveyed are in favor of such a redesign.

German Source:

Freiland Editor’s Note (Anmerkung der Freiland Redaktion)

Young people’s disenchantment with politics is quite understandable. After years of lockdowns, restriction of fundamental rights and freedoms, vaccination propaganda, and being bombarded by the system media with ever new horror stories, it is not surprising that young people have lost interest in this system, which has long since failed. Austria is just not a democracy, but at most a „democracy simulation“!

Translated with (free version)

Die Politikverdrossenheit der Jugend ist durchaus  verständlich. Nach jahrelangen Lockdowns, Einschränkung von Grund- und Freiheitsrechten, Impfpropaganda, Berieselung durch Systemmedien mit immer neuen Horrormeldungen ist es nicht verwunderlich, dass die Jugend das Interesse an diesem schon längst gescheiterten System verloren hat. Österreich ist eben keine Demokratie, sondern maximal eine „Demokratiesimulation“!

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