Rob Flaherty, White House director of digital strategy, pressured the tech company to suppress content critical of vaccines in 2021.
The „Twitter files“ made clear how U.S. authorities have put pressure on the group to censor unwelcome content. In the process, more and more came to light recently. But the censorship was by no means limited to Twitter.
On Facebook, too, the U.S. government worked to censor Fox News host Tucker Carlson and others for expressing skepticism about Covid „vaccines.“ That’s according to email messages obtained by Jeff Landry, Louisiana’s attorney general, which he recently posted on Twitter.
According to the messages, Rob Flaherty, director of digital strategy at the White House, had sent an email to an unnamed Facebook employee on April 14, 2021. In the message, Flaherty complained about posts critical of mRNA injections that were prominently visible on Facebook.
„The top post about vaccines today is one by Tucker Carlson saying vaccines don’t work. Yesterday it was Tomi Lehren (meaning Lahren, editor’s note) who said she didn’t want to get vaccinated,“ the email reads.
It continued, „This is exactly why I want to know what ‚reduction‘ actually looks like – if ‚reduction‘ means pumping our reluctant audience full of Tucker Carlson (…) then I’m not sure that’s reduction!“ added Flaherty. In response, the Facebook employee assured Flaherty that the company has not taken the matter seriously enough so far.
As a reminder, in addition to Landry, Louisiana Attorney General Eric Schmitt, Missouri Attorney General, and others have filed a lawsuit against U.S. government employees.
They accuse them of colluding with tech corporations to seriously violate free speech during the „pandemic“ as well as during the 2020 presidential election. Against this backdrop, Landry recently made public the communications between the White House and Facebook.
Other communications also make it clear that Flaherty expressed frustration with Facebook for not initially censoring messages in the government’s interests.
„I really can’t care about products until they have a measurable impact,“ Flaherty wrote to a Facebook employee. He continued, „I still haven’t received a good, empirical answer to the question of how effective you have been in reducing the spread of vaccine-skeptic content and misinformation (…) in the ‚block‘ now imposed.“
The White House demanded „assurances“ from Facebook that it would not soften its censorship policies. The emails released by Landry also show that Flaherty had warned Google as well.
He demanded that the Internet company come to grips with „its hesitant attitude toward vaccines in general.“ He also demanded that Google work toward improving the problem. That stance, according to Flaherty, was shared by „the highest levels of the White House.“
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Foto: Pixabay / Gerd Altman